Metal Gear Solid; The Movie, The Director


The Director

The Metal Gear games are a beloved franchise that has been around since the 80s. Metal Gear really came to popularity in the 90s with the advent of 3D graphics and the Sony Playstation. The game that took the world by storm was the first Metal Gear Solid. Since its inception, the narrative of the games world is familiar enough to us engrossed in it that we can relate to much that is going on, or recognize places, images, and in some cases even people. That is much of why it so hard to begin to conceptualize this into a movie format. We have all had a lot of hopes for some great games to be brought on as movies over the years, but until now the hopes keep falling short with the finished product. This is where the man himself Hideo Kojima, has given his nod of approval in a direction that has given us all a rekindling of hope to. That mans name is Jordan Vogt-Roberts.

Jordan Vogt-Roberts is a Hollywood director responsible for some great works, such as Kings of Summer and Kong:Skull Island. This guy is a game loving dude, with a killer beard who has an eye for detail, something that will be extremely important for a Metal Gear Solid movie. Between the two movies mentioned before I believe that his ability to shoot something captivating while giving the clues that are important in this series will begin to shine through. Now I’m not completely pulling this nod of love out of thin air, Hideo Kojima himself has given the nod to Roberts as well. So far it seems that the pair have been talking much over the past months, even with Roberts visiting Kojima in studio on his set of Death Stranding. This, to me, really makes me feel more comfortable with Roberts at the directing helm. This tells me that he is working closely with the author, and with the authors support, there is an amazing script that they will be working towards bring to the big screen.

In short, I feel like you all should be very excited about this pairing for a Metal Gear Solid movie. There is hours upon hours of play, and even more in cinematics in the Metal Gear SOlid Games themselves. So one last thing for you to keep in mind about Roberts and why he will be awesome, and probably the best hope of an amazing Game-to-Screen movie. He was the guy who directed the live action Destiny 2 trailers that have been pretty kick ass (even if the game sometimes get stale, you can’t possibly knock it’s beauty and details). He was quoted to GameSpot as anything having to do with games is a Labor of Love to him.

Sep 17th, 2021 - Update: Image updated with a photo of Jordan Vogt-Roberts courtesy of Wikipedia Commons and Gage Skidmore.

Zachary Snyder

A human~ish person with many talents, Co-Owner of Forever Classic Games, and someone who loves gaming with others.

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