All Female Speedrunning Marathon "Frost Fatales" for Malala Fund Live Now

Good news everyone! Speedrun fans, in particular, will be glad to know that while they eagerly await Summer Games Done Quick later this year they can scratch that speedrun marathon itch right now with Frost Fatales, performed by the Frame Fatales and hosted on the Games Done Quick Twitch channel. It’s currently live and will continue until Feb. 29th.

It’s an awesome chance to see new games and especially new runners as this is an All-Female marathon. Hopefully, this will provide some much-deserved attention to the hard-working runners in this marathon, which we hope carries over into the main events.

To further the awesomeness of this marathon they are raising funds for the Malala Fund which provides educational opportunities to girls around the world where they otherwise wouldn’t have them due to living conditions or even cultural expectations and laws. This fund is an extremely valuable resource and has had numerous amazing stories come out of it.

The marathon, as of Wednesday night, has raised over $30,000 for the Malala Fund, and they aren’t done yet! Go watch them now and see tons of games played with precision and skill.

Joe Siemsen

Deep within Joe lies a passion for gaming, comics, video, and animation. This passion not only keeps him warm in the dark Minnesota winters it has led him to be a feature and review writer for Marooner's Rock where he discovered the joy of working in the games industry. Above and beyond that, Joe has a YouTube series called Daddy Gamer where he and his daughter review games and do silly things together.


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