DOOM: The Dark Ages Unveils a Hell Knight Version of the Slayer

Wickedly Creative Weapons in a Heavy Metal Medieval Power Fantasy Prequel

Since the first imp was blown away by a shotgun in a cloud of fire and rage, DOOM has been a staple in gaming, especially first-person action titles. While the history of this legendary franchise has already been chiseled into the tablets of time, the modern iteration of the character is getting another evolution after renovating demonic mayhem twice over already. DOOM: The Dark Ages sees the Slayer in a new garb in a land of dragons and castles, bringing a plethora of new instruments of murder. 

Revealed at the Xbox Showcase 2024, DOOM: The Dark Ages is the third iteration of the franchise that rebooted in 2016 to near universal praise. The series then expanded the push-forward combat mechanics to an insane dance of blood and guts, creating one of the most compelling FPS titles of recent memory. While The Dark Ages will likely see that combat enhanced further, the game takes place prior to the events of the other two games, serving as an origin story of the Slayer’s hatred and stalwart defiance of Hell. 

Sporting a new hybrid weapon called the Shield Saw and a delightfully medieval chain flail, the Slayer appears to be able to face more enemies in larger scale battles. The titanic warrior also wields a new weapon that grinds skulls and blasts a spread of bone fragments into his demonic enemies. There’s even a rail spike gun that pins beasts to walls with penetrating precision. When foes are just big enough to be a hassle for the Slayer he pilots the Atlan, a colossal mech that bashes in monsters with metal fists, adding a taller perspective to DOOM’s iconic combat. Further adding to the variety, the Slayer can now take the fight to the skies while atop a wicked Mecha Dragon. 

DOOM: The Dark Ages is slated for a 2025 release across PC via Steam, Xbox Series X|S (Game Pass Day One), and PlayStation 5. For more information, stay tuned to the official Slayers Club website

Screenshots courtesy of id Software and Bethesda Softworks. 

Alex McCumbers

Twitter: @ACMcCumbers

Alex has been steadily shaping his writing, networking, and production skills for over a decade. He got into games journalism to keep his writing skills and habits in check as he has always wanted to create a novel or write a game's narrative. Sites that have published his work include Giga Geek Magazine, Marooners' Rock, Twin Galaxies, and Popular Mechanics. Several guest pieces have been uploaded on other sites. His work has also been physically published in both volumes of the SNES Omnibus where he contributed essays on several games. He grew up in rural West Virginia, surrounded by Appalachian music and culture.

Forever Classic was the branding that was invented during a faithful summer where he became absolutely fascinated by the world of Let's Play videos and video essays on YouTube. The Forever Classic brand name has always been at the back of his mind, tying it to projects here and there, but this website will be able to collect all of those efforts into a single place as Forever Classic Games LLC. 

"Welcome to Forever Classic Games, I'm Alex McCumbers."


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